English Reading Qoutes & Thoughts

Monday, September 04, 2006

Random quotes

The arrow is intention projected into space.

After practising a lot, we no longer think about all the necessary movements. They become part of very exsistence.
-- Source: The Asian Age (2 April, 2006)

I saw with one eye what others could not see with two.
Attitude are more important than abilities,
Motives are more important than methods,
Character is more important than cleverness,
And heart takes precedence over head.
--- Denis Berkit

Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. - Aristotle.
---- Source: The Asian Age Saturday 22-July-2006

It's very important to know what people want, and you can always surprise them by giving more.
- Alfred Hitchcock (Source: Sakal (Sunday 20-August-2006)


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